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Project managers are in demand globally, with over 15 million project managers needed across all industry in coming years!
Our affordable, flexible online training will equip you with all the relevant skills and tools to manage projects end to end. Take control and help future proof your career.
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A Career in Project Management
Project Management is an important field in any industry, but the Project Manager doesn’t do all the work; other positions that a project management course will cover include Project Leader, Team Leader, Project Officer, and of course everyone is part of the project team. In Australia, Project Managers can be found in a range of industries as the management skills required can be applied to a large variety of projects; the top industries hiring project managers include Engineering and Construction, Healthcare, Financial Services, Law and Technology. Majority of Project Manager jobs are found within major cities such as Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and earn on average $119,442 per year.
Pathway to Project Management
Typically, Project Managers start in low-level roles within their industry or company; it takes years of experience and project management practice to build up company trust to start working on big projects. If you’re looking to complete a bachelor degree, advanced diploma or even a master of project management, there are hundreds of higher education providers including TAFEs for you to choose from based on your preferred study options. An online course or short project management course will see a change in course material as you can find short courses on just one aspect of how to manage projects. Ensure that you meet the entry requirements to enrol for project management courses online.
The Future for Project Management
Project Management is considered to be a career that is guaranteed long term stable employment, a 2015 study by PMI found that by the year 2020, more than 15.7 million new project management jobs are expected to be created worldwide. If you’re starting fresh to the industry this is great news, however in order to stand out from the crowd, it’s important that you have more than a graduate diploma; completing a short project management course is one of the best ways you can demonstrate your difference and present new skills that will become the norm. Start your short course today to improve your professional development and do it the way that suits you best.