Certificate III in School-Based Education Support (Perth Only)
- This course is available to Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents only. We’re not CRICOS registered and therefore are not able to accept student visa holders.
A total of 15 units are required to complete the qualification — 10 core and 5 elective units. Unit selection may vary depending on delivery method and location.
Core Units
CHCDIV001Work with diverse people
CHCEDS033Meet legal and ethical obligations in an education support environment
CHCEDS034Contribute to the planning and implementation of educational programs
CHCEDS035Contribute to student education in all developmental domains
Elective Units
CHCECE054Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultures
CHCEDS048Work with students in need of additional learning support
CHCEDS050Support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander education
CHCEDS056Provide support to students with autism spectrum disorder
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