Advanced Certificate in Travel and Tourism Entrepreneurship
Module 1: Tourism I
This foundation module aims to deliver a broad introduction into the nature and scope of the tourism industry, an industry that employees millions of people around the world. You will gain a better understanding of all elements of the industry, from booking services, to transport and accommodation, to tour guides and operators. Learn how to better understand your client’s needs to ensure you can provide relevant recommendations specific to their requirements and travel plans. The module also delivers the fundamental operational skills required in the travel industry, from booking flights, group tours and accommodation
Module 2: Tourism II: Special Interest Tourism
This module was designed to provide an introductory overview into the exciting emerging tourism market, Special Interest Tourism. Discover what SIT encompasses and why there is a growing demand for this type of tourism, which caters for specific interests of groups and individuals. Gain a better understanding and explore the four main experiences of SIT, which includes Rewarding, Enriching, Adventuresome Experiences and Learning Experiences.
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